The Republic of Illara
The Republic of Illara relies on democratic elections to send representatives to the governing Parliamentary Council and the Senate with a Prime Consul serving as the chief executive. The capital world, Illara, was settled thousands of years ago by the Humans, Eldani, and Azoth who had fled the destruction of their original homeworld.
Illara is unique in that there are three species that arose together and founded the Republic. Of these three, Humans are the most populous by far, with Eldani second most common, and Azoth the rarest. Among Illarans family lineage and name is considered incredibly important, with the family name listed first before the personal. llarans tend to believe in family honor and status, consider the law to be very important, and trade as the pathway to peace and prosperity.
The primary faith of Illara is the Imperial Cult, a pantheon of Gods led by Saltoran, the Sun God. In addition to the Gods of Illara, the Invictus are venerated. They were divine avatars who came to guide the Illaran people in millenia past until they were betrayed to demons by a group of heretics known only as the Ravens.
Citizens of the Republic often wear tunics, skirts, and underdresses, with togas for more formal occasions.
Traditional colors and Costuming: White and Red. Illarans typically wear breezy clothing, T-tunics, togas, and other costuming inspired by Ancient Rome.
Symbol: White field with a red laurel wreath
Governmental System: Parliamentary Democracy
Founding Species: Primarily Humans, along with Eldani and Azoth
Capital World: Illara
Primary Religion: Imperial Cult
Archetypes: Rome, Alera Imperia, Centauri Prime
Pinterest: Illara
Overview and History
Illara is unique in that there are three species that arose together and founded the Republic. Of these three, Humans are the most populous by far, with Eldani second most common, and Azoth the rarest. The capital world, also called Illara, was settled thousands of years ago by these three species who had fled the destruction of their original homeworld.
The primary faith of Illara is the Imperial Cult, a pantheon of Gods led by Saltoran, the Sun God. In addition to the Gods of Illara, the Invictus are venerated. They were divine avatars who came to guide the Illaran people in millenia past until they were betrayed to demons by a group of heretics known only as the Ravens.
Residents of the Republic often wear tunics, skirts, and underdresses, with togas for more formal occasions.
Among Illarans, family lineage and name is considered incredibly important, with the family name listed first before the personal. They tend to believe in family honor and status, consider the law to be very important, trade as the pathway to peace and prosperity, and are generally religious. Most, however, are not terribly strict in adherence to religious doctrine, assuming that their faith is generally enough to achieve a state of grace.
Each resident serves in the Illaran military for, at minimum, two years. This is seen as a means to serve their nation, an honourable thing, and is a way for smaller families to gain glory in a more permanent way. Becoming an officer, after all, comes with social standing.
The legal system of Illara is incredibly complicated and dense, with specific and contradictory procedures and requirements at all levels of society and interaction. As time went on, the code of laws, the Lex Invictium, became more discernible to the common folk. It outlined criminal and civil law of modern Illara, which held life sacred, as Invicta Maxima had.
Illara is ruled by a Parliamentary Council with a Prime Consul as the chief executive and the Senate being both a legislative body, a judicial one, and having veto power.
Parliamentary Council members are elected from local planetary precincts based on very old and obscure lines drawn. There are usually 10 or so members per planet for a total council of about 500.
The Prime Consul is elected by the Council itself and has military and foreign affairs powers, though no veto on their own.
The Senate consists of one Senator per fully settled world (expansion territories don’t get a senator for several generations). The Senate can propose legislation to the Council, though in practice it rarely does so. It also has the power to veto legislation from the Council, serves as the final court of appeal for major cases, and the trial court if a Senator, Council Member, or the Prime Consul is arrested.
Each world is administered by a Proconsul who is elected locally, subject to approval of the Prime Consul.
The Illaran military is known for its use of disciplined and exceptionally well-organized Legions comprised of five to ten thousand soldiers each. Most Legions are commanded by a Captain with Generals leading armies comprised of multiple Legions. The highest ranking military officer is the Imperator who answers directly to the Senate. The current Imperator is Eurentian Laurentis.
Within the Republic of Illara, the term “Citizen” has a specialized meaning. It is a distinction that must be earned, and a rare distinction at that. To become a Citizen, an Illaran must be recommended by one of the Dynastic Families, a General, a Senator, a member of the Parliamentary Council, a Proconsul, or the head of the Imperial Cult. Once recommended, the hopeful individual must then be approved by the Parliamentary Council before they are formally enshrined as a Citizen of the Republic of Illara.
Generally speaking, most Citizenships are granted through acts of service to the Republic in one form or another. It may be through military service, recognition for public life, acts of notable heroism, or other moments of renown that bring an individual to the attention of the powerful members of society. By law, no one is born a Citizen and everyone must earn it, though in practice the members of the Dynastic Families are typically more able to than most.
Notable Laws
The law of Sanctity is a remnant of ancient days when the Invictus ruled Illara before they were betrayed and destroyed. The law states that to lay hands upon the person of a holy Invictus is to violate Sanctity. Such a sacrilege is one of the only crimes in the entire Republic that is punishable by death.
To deface, uproot, or malign the symbols of the Republic or the symbols of the Invictus. Punishment ranges from fines up to public lashes.
Interference with Republic Officials
To obstruct, delay, thwart, or otherwise impede an Republic Official from the execution of their duties. A broadly applicable law, the punishment is dependant upon the exact circumstances of the matter at hand and could range from monetary fines and lashes up to imprisonment, exile, or indentured servitude.
Sumptuary Laws
While dress is generally a matter of personal and cultural taste, there are a few restrictions that those in the Republic must abide by. Pure white togas are permitted, but the color that bands them is only
allowed to certain stations. A purple band may only be worn by the Invictus (thus, is not worn in the modern day). A red band may only be worn by a member of the Senate. A blue band may only be worn by a member of the Parliamentary Council. A green band may only be worn by a Citizen. And a black banded white toga is completely forbidden.
As with other parts of the Republic, those with full earned Illaran Citizenship are according additional privileges under the law. Most notably, testimony against a Citizen must be from another Citizen or it will not be considered valid. Treaties between the Republic and the other nations allow for equivalencies. For example, a Noble of the Sovereignty of Riavan is considered equal to a Citizen in a court of law.
Illaran Dynastic Families
The Julians
Descended directly from Julia Dominica, who became Invicta Maxima, the first Invictus vessel of the Gods, the Julians serve primarily as civil servants and government officials. It is, to them, a great honour to speak on the behalf of the Republic. They keep a Sacred Hall where the Invictus are venerated.
The Tilians
Aggrandized and emulated for their trading abilities and vast vineyards, those who find themselves in the home of a Tilian during a holiday should count themselves blessed. If you are seeking an object of value, it’s possible those of the family could get it for you… for a price. They tend to watch over the planet of Erkana, keeping tabs on who brings what and where.
The Eurentians
The Eurentian family specializes in arming and supplying the Legions. The vast majority of Eurentian youth serve more than the minimum two years in military service and none of the important Senators, merchants, or civil servants from this family have failed to do so. Veteran Legionnaires often compete for a place among The Iron Talons, the private household guard of the family, once they leave service.
The Latraceans
The Latraceans are a trading and banking family and always have been. By formulating a banking system, the Latraceans took their place toward the forefront of the Republic’s trade. While the Tilians are also a trading family, the two share a friendly rivalry. As a result, the Latracean dynasty finds itself often working with, or competing against, the Tilians, and the Latraceans tend to hold a generous sum within their own family vaults.
The Domitleans
The Domitleans, having always been primarily vested in mining iron ore, some precious metals, and gems, eventually came to locate their primary residence on Roskara. They find and operate the primary veins that supply wealth to the Illaran treasury.
The Imperial Cult is the main religion of Illara, with most people being at least somewhat religious, as noted above. This pantheon of gods is led by Saltoran, god of the Sun. Lumens of the Imperial Cult are often found among the notable families. However, other religions are also represented with no particular difficulty, even if they are in the minority.
This is largely due to the Conclave of the Universal Sun, a place of discussion, learning, and debate for the religions that recognize the primacy of the Sun, located on Ecclesios. Founded by members of the Khezeratt and the Imperial Cult, along with more minor faiths such as the Skald of Heaven, as a center of discussion.
People of Note
Prime Consul Tilia Octavia
A Human of diligence and harsh exterior, Tilia Octavia was a well-decorated officer of the Illaran military before being asked to step into senatorial duties about six years back. She was voted in as Prime Consul following the attack on Moraine in order to present a unified front to those lashing out at the Republic.
Imperator Eurentian Laurentis
Laurentis became the Imperator of the Republic of Illara 26 years ago following decades of service in the military as a general. His decisiveness and sense of justice are legendary among the soldiers under his command. Legionnaires tell countless stories of how he rescued them from certain death and dishonor, how he found victory from the harshest of trials, and his unwavering commitment to the people serving with him. In the years since his appointment to Imperator, the people of Illara have drawn great comfort from his watchful presence during times the Parliamentary Council and Senate were slow to address threats or turmoil. Laurentis is Eldani, rare to find among Republic generals, much less the post of Imperator.
Prime Lumen Julian Kosta
An Azoth of genial nature, Kosta studied as a Lumen of the Imperial Cult since their childhood. Connecting in particular to Saltoran, God of the Sun, and being recognized for their hard work and outreach, they have been raised to Prime Lumen. As Prime Lumen, they seek to expand the Cult’s teachings through the galaxy by peaceful means and are distressed at the current combative political climate.
Senator Domitlean Iliana
Born on Roskara, Iliana is a down-to-earth Eldani who joined the senate in her middling years. In her youth, Iliana served dutifully in the Illaran army, then returned home to Roskara where she served in the local governance. Iliana is known for being fair and outspoken at the Senate, a patron for the causes that benefit the average citizens.
Worlds of Note
The world of Illara is the capital of the Republic. It is here that the Council and Senate meet in the City of Illara to govern the entire realm. Also on this world is the legendary Home Arc. A defunct Terminus Node, the Home Arc is a place of solemn reflection for visitors to contemplate life. The Home Arc is said to be the place where the Republic’s populace first arrived.
The main Imperial Cult temple resides on the world of Ecclesios. From there the Lumens administer the faith across the Many Worlds within a vast complex of temples, shrines, and sacred places. Ecclesios is also the home of the Conclave of the Universal Sun in a campus connected to the Imperial Cult through easy Terminus Road.
Roskara is a rich world with ore filled mountain ranges and vast plains perfect for the farming of wheat and other staple grains. Over the years Roskara has become a major center of commerce where trade deals with merchants across the Many Worlds are struck. The Domitlean family has its primary residence on Roskara, with trade agents brokering many deals and keeping abreast of the economy and supply lines of the Six Nations.
The world of memories. Cavall is a small planet and its three even smaller moons, all that is left of an old battle from the Starling War. On the bleak surface lies a memorial made of iron and gold; melted down weapons and reparation coin.
The Concordia Illuminata was once a prominent Illaran institution dedicated to learning and understanding the magical forces of the world. It was given one of the colony worlds, Mekinae, to make their headquarters and build a primary library. As the Concordia sought for knowledge held by other Nations, it found it necessary to become independent and so splintered off from the Republic to become a neutral organization. The world, however, still belongs to the Republic.
The economy that has sprung up around the Concordia is filled with Illaran residents providing food and resources to the Concordia. These settlements have a symbiotic relationship with the magical school that has proved sufficiently beneficial to the Republic to maintain the current arrangement.
A planet established as a trading post only about 55 years ago. It has since grown in both population and prominence. Known for all kinds of trade, the Tilians have their hands in the running of this settlement. Erkana, seven years ago, began petitioning for Senate recognition, in order to send their own representatives to Senate meetings on Illara. It is possible that their request will be granted in the coming years.
Other Species
Like most of the Nations in the galaxy, Illara is home to species other than the founding ones. In this case, however, Illara actually has three founding species. Humans are, by far, the dominant species in population and prominence, but the other two are not uncommon.
The Eldani are common in the areas of the arts, military, and politics. Their tendency towards passion and commitment lends to excellent oratory and creation as well as battlefield fury. They may be over-represented in lower ranked military units as shock troops but some have risen quite far by channeling their inner drive towards advancement and focus. The Imperator of Illara, Eurentian Laurentis, is an Eldani.
The Azoth are often seen as artisans, alchemists, and merchants. They are also commonly seen administering Illaran banks and other similar industries. Their genial nature tends to help them in most pursuits except military life.
Awakened Golems
Golems are found throughout the galaxy, but are fairly numerous in the Republic. They are known to have a slightly higher chance of winding up sentient here than in other nations.
While the Republic views awakened golems as highly valuable and has enacted laws to protect them, they are still considered property. They are usually treated well, even without laws regulating treatment, as it is a sign of esteem to have a well-cared for golem as an aide of your household. Dignified and kind masters may sometimes try to outdo their neighbors in gifts to their golems. The law prevents the destruction of awakened golems without permission from a local magistrate, but they may still be sold and traded as necessary.
Awakened golems can engage in most of the activities of a free person, including owning property and running a business, but do not have any path to manumission such as can be found in some of the other Nations. Each is registered in the Republican Golem Workers’ Registry and wears a mark, tattoo, or sash denoting their Registry number or classification contained within a red half circle. Masters of these registered golems must pay taxes to the Republic annually.
Timeline of the Republic
1,019 years ago-- The Fracture
874 years ago-- Fires set in the fields of Roskara by unknown rebels.
870 years ago-- Group known as Crown’s Stars captured and imprisoned. They are charged with Roskaran razes and treason.
750 years ago-- Ecclesios becomes center of the Imperial Cult, offering new temple buildings.
430 years ago-- Failed assassination attempt on Imperator Julian Aurelius. Legions restructured.
26 years ago-- Eurentian Laurentis is named Imperator of Illara.
7 years ago-- Colony known as “Erkana” petitions Senate recognition.
~1 year ago-- The attack on Moraine within the Hotanga Alliance.
Relations with Other Nations
Hotanga Alliance
There has always been a tension between the Republic and the Alliance. To the Republic of Illara, the Imperial Cult carries a lot of weight and importance. While there are those of the faithful among the planets of the Hotanga Alliance, the Alliance itself does not specifically protect the Cult, or any other religion, from local laws of member worlds. Additionally, the high cathedral of the Children of Dragons resides within Alliance territory. This has led to a tenuous-at-best relationship between the two nations.
Within the last year, things have gotten much worse. The Alliance world of Moraine passed a law that made it illegal to worship the Imperial Cult if you lived there (travelling members of the Alliance had immunity, of course). This enraged the Illaran Senate who railed against the policy as a persecution of their followers. They petitioned the Grand Council of the Alliance to reverse Moraine’s decision. The Grand Council did nothing. It is well established in their precedent that they do not interfere with the religious decisions of their member planets, and while none had ever outright banned a religion before, it still seemed outside the scope of what the Alliance was intended to monitor.
Illara was furious and moved against Moraine in a targeted political strike. They sent a squad of soldiers to Moraine to attack the capital. In the confusion from the assault they snuck a band of assassins in to try and kill the world’s ruler. The plot was unsuccessful, but the captain of the guard as well as a handful of soldiers from the fighting outside were killed. Denunciations followed and tensions rose sharply just as the announcement of the discovery of Andromeda was made.
Tristar Hegemony
Early after the Starling War, the Hegemony and Illara wished to understand one another more. They each sent fifty citizens to live on the homeworld of the other nation. When the fifty citizens of the Hegemony eventually returned, they brought with them the idea of the Illaran Senate. From their stories formed the Chamber of Commerce that governs Attergate. As a result, the Hegemony generally has a positive view of Illarans as they feel they’ve contributed to the stability of their society. Meanwhile, Illarans are predisposed to liking the Hegemony due partly to the original cultural exchange, but also because they view the Hegemony as having recognized the wisdom of the Illaran way and learned from it.
The Sovereignty of Riavan
In the time of the Starling War, these two nations had a non-aggression treaty and held to it with honour. They have a deep relationship with one another that lasts to this day, notably allied even as the Fracture began.
Some traditions exist based on this long history. High ranking officers may extend hospitality or send drinks to one another and many Illarans sing songs of military might shared with the Riavan during the festival of Shieldwall.
Khezeratt of the Sun and Stars
Despite the Conclave of the Universal Sun, a place of religious discussion and learning being located on the world of Ecclesios, there is a fair amount of tension between the Khezeratt and Illara. Many of the Sun and Stars believe the Conclave should be within the domain of the Sun-King, but Illara takes pride in its placement. It is a place for Lumens to study other religions without needing to travel far from home and places the Imperial Cult at the center of Sun worship among the Many Worlds.
More recently, the reaction of the Khezeratt to the appointment of an Awakened Golem as Vault Guardian of the Wardens of the Pact has been met with disapproval and concern by the Parliamentary Council and Senate both. As the People of the Sun (Khezeratt citizenry) grow more and more pronounced in their outrage, the Illaran people have become wary of them and the Khezeratt as a whole.
Calid Circle
While intriguing in their collection of knowledge, they are generally viewed as dangerous marauders. Children are told to behave or the Circle may come to steal them away. In comparison to the illustrious length of history the Republic has, many Illarans view the Circle as having no constancy.