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PC Food Logistics for Fall 2021

Hello everyone, I wanted to answer some food-related questions we’ve received and outline some logistics surrounding food for our Fall events. As mentioned before, and in the registration form, we will not be doing our regular food service this Fall as part of our enhanced safety precautions and have reduced the event cost accordingly. Therefore, players are going to need to plan to provide food for themselves during the weekend. NPCs will be handled differently, see the post about that posted right after this one.

For players/PCs:


Players will have access to the refrigerators and freezers in the tavern kitchen to store food if they need to. Please keep in mind this space may also be used by staff and NPCs as well. It may also be helpful to bring coolers or food that doesn’t need cold storage that you can keep in your cabin.


Players will also have access to the sinks in the kitchen for doing their dishes and the like. 


However, the kitchen may not be used for any actual food preparation and the number of people in the kitchen at any one time should be limited. Really, the only reasons to be in the kitchen are to fetch supplies from the fridge/freezer or washing up your dishes or passing through en route to the bathroom in the back.

Players are free to use things like crockpots and the like in their cabins and in the main tavern space so long as they take appropriate safety precautions. If you have specific questions about a particular cooking appliance, feel free to ask it here or reach out to me or Jake McCarthy (who actually knows how to cook) about it.

Grills are permitted outside as long as they are not left unattended while lit, all other appropriate fire safety measures are taken, and they are set up out of the way.


We will have the big water coolers inside the tavern so folks don’t get dehydrated.


To minimize disruption we are coordinating with at least several restaurants in the area so that if they are called to deliver food for dinner on Saturday that they know to arrive at 6 and to meet you in the parking lot. Once I know more details on which restaurants are on board, I’ll post a heads up.


Similarly, if you want to have somewhere deliver food to you, make sure they know they need to meet you in the parking lot so we don’t have cars driving through our game space.


Our mealtimes are scheduled for an hour. During those times we avoid running active encounters, though NPCs may come into town to talk to players about various things. Mealtimes are:

Saturday at 9am - Breakfast
Saturday at 1pm - Lunch

Saturday at 6pm - Dinner

Sunday at 9am - Breakfast


And then, just as a reminder, we aim to be done with the event by 1230 on Sunday so we can pack up and head home at a reasonable time. 


Thanks everyone, see you soon!


Don’t forget to register for the event at so we know you’re coming!

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