Below please find a few packing suggestions:
MEDICAL/LEGAL RELEASE (signed by parent/legal guardian if under 18 )
Socks (Lots of Socks!) & Underwear
Black shirt & sweat pants
Hoodie or Sweat Shirt
In-Game Garb (if PCing) IG Garb = renaissance shirts, pants, sash, tabard, etc. Anything that your PC would wear that is “In Period”... and doesn't look like street clothes.
Belt with Pouch(es)
Packets (if PCing) – for your first event 20-40 should be plenty
Food (if necessary)
Make up (if necessary)
Tooth brush & Tooth paste
Water (individual bottles are a good idea!)
Bug Spray
Sleeping bag & Extra Blankets
Pillow (with old pillow case)
Boffer Weapons (if PCing or if you want to use your personal reps)
Armor (if PCing or if you want to use your personal reps)
Any necessary medication (Any medication –especially prescriptions- need to be labeled and in the original containers)
Paper & Pens
Duct Tape
A set of clean clothes (and shoes) for the ride home
- Black is always a good idea for clothing if you are NPCing.
- It does can chilly in the evenings so please bring warm clothes to wear under your NERO clothes.